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Get Complete Golfing Consistency With This Upgrade...

It’s Jeff Richmond here again and I want to congratulate you on making the great decision to invest in The Stress-Free Golf Swing.

The Stress-Free Golf Swing is going to help you build a simple, consistent golf swing just like Hogan did.


….obviously there’s a BIG mental element to playing great golf.  And after Ben Hogan died they found many books in his personal library about how the mind worked.

The Stress-Free Golf Swing does not cover anything on the mental side of the game but my Consistent Golf System covers it ALL.  

The 7 Secrets Needed For Consistent Golf

Have you noticed how every great player you see on TV has the same mental routine they rehearse before every single shot?

While often overlooked by amateurs, the mental routine that a player uses before they ever hit a shot is considered one of the “secrets” of playing great golf.

(Specifically, there are 7 mental secrets all top golfers go through before every shot in order to give themselves the best chance of executing a successful golf shot…which we will discuss in-depth in the course)…

This means that you can actually start to become a more consistent golfer, simply by practicing and developing the right mindset before you even start your backswing.

This is why the first 30 days of my Consistent Golf System focuses on what you do before you ever hit a golf shot.

Now that doesn’t mean you’ll be working on your mental game for 30 days straight or that you can’t practice other things…not at all.

It just means I’m giving you 30 days to ingrain a perfect mental routine, which will enable you to become a more consistent golfer and shoot lower scores.

You’re going to immerse yourself in advanced psychological techniques that will enable you to identify and pull out what you’ve done mentally to execute some of your best shots ever.

I understand you might be skeptical (and frankly maybe this sounds a little silly to you), but this is the same information that professional golfers will pay a psychologist thousands and thousands of dollars a year for access.

The best part? You can do these mental exercises anytime, anywhere, with very little time commitment.

Because I know that while we’d all like to be out on the course all day, we have families, jobs, and other priorities…so you simply don’t have the time to spend hours and hours each day practicing (you’ll only need about 13 minutes per day to follow this program).

If you want to become a more consistent golfer, you’ve got to adopt a mindset of “intelligent practice” and “mental awareness,” which is what this program is all about.

Now that I’ve given you a taste of the first part of the program, here are a few more things you can expect to learn inside my Consistent Golf System:

  • How to master the pre-shot routine and stay “in the moment” on every golf shot (this alone can easily save you 3-5 shots per round).
  • How to hit solid shots on a consistent basis without all of the headtrash and unnecessary swing thoughts clogging up your brain.
  • A few simple tweaks you can make to your golf swing that will help you hit crisp, solid iron shots without having to practice for hours (takes 15 minutes to implement).
  • The four things you must do before you will ever have a consistent, repeatable and reliable swing.
  • How to “practice with a purpose” so you don’t waste hours of time and energy slapping range balls all over the range.
  • The secret to playing every golf shot with full confidence…without fear, anxiety, or any insecurities.
  • The seldom discussed mental techniques of Jack and Tiger that have propelled them to 18 and 14 majors respectively.
  • My method for avoiding disaster when you’re heading for your best score ever (no more triple bogeys on 17)!
  • How to consistently repeat the free, easy, fluid and powerful movements you produced when you hit your best ever golf shots. This is the real secret to a consistent, repeating swing.
  • My “on the course diagnostic techniques” that will show you how to fix your swing on the course, so when your round starts going south, you can fix it immediately!
  • My one drill for hitting your driver (and every other club for that matter) in the middle of the clubface so that you experience that “sweet feeling” of a well struck shot more often!
  • And so much more…

The Secret To Consistent Golf He’s Been Looking For

W. Moore Texas, U.S.A.

“I have just finished Day 45 of the plan. I must say that the way you’ve laid everything out makes it extremely easy to follow and implement. This complete system will give me the ability to play to my potential consistently and I have never seen such a program like this before. It’s what I’ve been searching for so long. When I started I was averaging 92.4 but now I’m averaging 85.2. I have a clear plan and I know I will succeed much more by following it. This is the secret to consistent golf that I have been looking for. Thanks Jeff!”

Finally Learnt How to Play One Shot at a Time..

C. Martin Utah, U.S.A.

“I have heard so many times that you should play one shot at a time but no one has shown me how to do it. This system has changed all of that. After 50 days of putting the plan in this system into practice my golf game has improved dramatically. For example, I was on 19 when I started and I’m now on 14. I used to 3 putt at least once every game but I haven’t had one single 3 putt since starting to use this system! My chipping has also made a big improvement as well as my entire golf game including accuracy off the tee. I am for once confident on the golf course. The 7 mental secrets in this system are the right way to go if you want to become a consistent golfer. I firmly believe that.”

Do It at Home and See Great Results on the Course...

B. Tasker Texas, U.S.A.

“This system has been a HUGE asset to my game. The thing I liked most about it was that you can do most of it at home and then see the great results on the golf course. For example, my average score before getting this system was around about 95. I didn’t keep accurate records but that would be pretty close. Now 4 months after following the instructions in this system I am shooting on average 85.4. This is amazing to me and my golfing buddies are dumb founded with my improvement. The magic in this system is with doing all the techniques together. I’ve done a few of them randomly in the past but when you put them all together like you show then the results are mind blowing. This was the best golf investment ever and the thing I liked the most was that I could do it all at home. My playing partners are amazed at my improvement because they never see me practice!”

Added at Least 30 Yards to His Drives...

R. Lee Arizona, U.S.A.

“The plan with this system is brilliant! For once in my life I can actually learn what it’s like to play one shot at a time. Because of the exercises in this plan I have increased my drives by at least 30 yards. It is only the system that has helped me to do this because I have made no other changes. My playing partners have asked me what I have been doing but I’m keeping it secret. It’s too much fun taking their money every week. Before I got this system I was on a 26 handicap. Now 3 months later I am on an 18 handicap and loving golf a lot more than ever. I could never imagine playing golf without using this secret weapon. It’s just never going to happen. Getting this system was the best golf investment I have ever made because I can make huge improvements to my golf game without hitting thousands of balls!”

I know how this system can help golfers shave 8-10 strokes off of their scores but only with my help and support.  And that’s why I give you full email support for 12 months after your purchase to ensure that you’re happy and 100% successful with this program.

But This Kind of 1-On-1 Attention Takes a Lot of My Time…So Seats are Limited…

Working with students 1-on-1 via email is a time consuming process, which is why I have to limit the numbers of students that enroll in my Consistent Golf System at any given time.

And to do this I’m only EVER going to give you this one time chance to enroll.  You either get The Consistent Golf System today or forever miss out. 

Here’s a Sneak Peek of What You’ll Get inside My 126 Page Consistent Golf Swing Methodology System:

  • Find out how to quickly and easily program your mind for long term golfing consistency and success by using the same amazing mental secret Tiger Woodswas taught, by a sport psychologist, as an amateur and continued using after he turned pro. (See pages 110-126 for a full explanation)
  • Discover the one simple question you MUST ask yourself before every golf shot you face to be guaranteed good, consistent results. You asked yourself this question subconsciously before every great golf shot you’ve ever hit . (Read page 11 to find out what this one critical question is)
  • Find out the secret rule that will consistently and dramatically boost your enjoyment levels to what you experienced the first time you ever hit a great golf shot. (See page 17 for this amazing rule)
  • Find out the simple and amazing mental technique that will let you automatically and effortlessly identify and relax any unwanted tension in your body that may stop you from swinging your absolute best. (Fully explained on pages 28-30. Plus you’re given the exercises to practice this technique on CD #2 & #3)
  • Find out the thought process you must go through for every aspect of your game and for every shot, to give yourself the best possible chance of success. (See pages 33-69 to learn this)
  • Listen to simple exercises on CD #4 that will train and improve your concentration levels so that you can focus 100% on each and every golf shot to the exclusion of everything else!
  • Find out and master the secret Jack Nicklaus used to become the most consistent golfer the world has ever seen and learn how he used this secret to win 18 Major Championships. (See pages 89-100 for full details and exercises)
  • Discover and consistently repeat the amazing mental technique you used when you hit all your great golf shots! (See pages 101-109 to find out how to consistently repeat this exciting secret that you’ve used only before your greatest ever golf shots)
  • You’ll finally find out a simple mental technique that you can use before every golf shot, letting you just swing naturally and automatically with a blank mind. (See pages 114-115 for the secret)

When you dive into the Consistent Golf System, you’ll be shocked (and pleasantly surprised) at how many useless swing tips and band-aid fixes are out there that don’t really work!

Because if they don’t help you hit better golf shots and shoot lower scores, they are a waste of time.

You’ll understand WHY you hit good shots, and have a step-by-step, easy to repeat mental process for ensuring that you do it more often.

The result is simple but life changing; you’ll be a more consistent golfer, and have more fun on the course (and take a few extra bucks off of your buddies at the 19th hole).

Wouldn’t that be awesome? Think about it…

What if after you hit a good shot instead of wondering “how did I do that?” You could say to yourself “I know exactly how I did that, and I’m going to keep doing it”…over and over and over!

You would finally be able to do what every golfer really wants to do; which is hit their best shots, more often.

Because when your best shots become your “new average”, you can become a significantly better player in a very short amount of time (which is what I’m teaching you in this program).

Listen…you and I both know what it’s like to be playing great one second, then hit a bad shot that totally ruins your round.

To put it bluntly…it sucks.

(It’s never good when have to start using your fingers to count how many strokes you’ve had on one hole)

But when you get this unique system…those days are gone…forever.

Pretty cool huh?

But that’s not all..

When you add the The Consistent Golf System to your order today, you’re going to get these five bonuses to make sure you become the consistent golfer you want and deserve to be in the shortest amount of time…

Bonus #1 – The Consistent Golf Plan

With this system you also get a 197 page plan, valued at $189. This plan explains in simple step-by-step details exactly what you should be doing and when to create a mental routine that matches as closely as possible to what you did when you hit your great golf shots.

In this plan you’ll find simple and easy to understand, step-by-step instructions, along with over 147 pictures, showing you exactly what you should be doing on any given day. Plus you’re given simple daily progress charts so you can tick off each task as you complete it to keep track of where you’re up to. Also, you’re given 5 CD’s that have all the exercises you need to complete the program.

So this plan will help you to easily turn the 7 mental secrets in the system into a habit…fast! A habit that you will use before and during every golf shot you play until your golfing days are done.

And this new habit of yours will give you the most chance you’ve ever had of hitting every shot to the potential you’ve proven you’re capable of when you’ve hit your greatest ever shots.

So how long does it take to begin to see results?

As soon as you get the system and start to follow the plan you will see an improvement in your very next game.  Within a month of following your plan you will be a totally new and improved golfer, and within 3 months the full effects will be kicking in.  After that you will not remember what it was like to feel frustrated coming off the course saying “if only”.

Of course you must understand, if you do not follow the plan you will not see the results.  I know that sounds stupid but it has to be said.

And this may sound stupid too, but a definition of insanity is “doing what you’ve always done and expecting different results”.

I can promise you that if what you are doing now of have tried in the past has NOT given you the golfing consistency you’ve wanted then it will not do this 1 month from now, 6 months from now, a year or 5 years from now.

Because to become the great golfer you hope and dream of becoming you MUST find out and consistently repeat what you did to hit your great golf shots.

Isn’t that so logical and common sense? Plus when you get The Consistent Golf System now you’ll also get…

Bonus #2 – The Consistent Golf Game Recorder Manual

This 52 page manual gives you 1 entire page to record the critical information from your games relating to The Consistent Golf System. Once you get the system you’ll find out the one and only goal you should set for each golf game to ensure you play to the best of your ability every single game.

This manual provides you with a unique resource to record only what is really important in every game of golf you play. This game recorder manual gets you to record your game like nothing else does, because no one else will tell you what you should be trying to achieve and keep track of for every game of golf.

They all say, “keep track of your greens in regulation, fairways hit, etc., etc.”, but if you want to really improve at this game that information won’t help you.

With this Game Recorder Manual you’ll find out the one and only thing you should be “trying” to do when you play golf and how you can measure whether you’re a success or not. It’s easy once you know how.

Bonus #3 – 12 Month Email Support System

Look, I’m 100% committed to making sure you get the consistency, enjoyment and handicap you deserve with The Consistent Golf System, and that’s why I back this up with 12 months of free email support.

If you have any golfing questions, problems or need any assistance in using the system I’m personally here to help you.

That is another reason why you can feel safe trying this system, because I give you a complete 12 month service guarantee. I’m so convinced that The Consistent Golf System will work for you that I give you my personal back up and support guarantee when you try this system.

You have 12 months to work with me. There is no extra charge for me to help you with any golfing problem. I will give you better, more specific information and help than anyone else ever will.

See, unlike everyone else that promises to improve your golf game I will never leave you hanging. Which is another major difference between me and other forms of golf improvement information. I know what it takes to be consistent. I understand the commitment you’re making when you try this system and I honor that commitment by backing you up 100%.

Bonus #4 – Relaxed Concentration Programming CD

When you watch a young baby focus on an object their concentration is unbelievable. You cannot distract them until they have finished their study of the object. But they don’t “try” to concentrate. They don’t force it because that is just not natural and it’s plain uncomfortable. But on the golf course the strain that most golfers have would give a lot of them a headache.

Of course we all know we need to concentrate to play well, and that is probably why most people strain to do it. The sad thing is that the harder you try to concentrate the more tense and less focused you will become.

But wouldn’t golf be so much easier if before and during every golf shot you are relaxed, yet totally focused at the same time?

Imagine playing shot after shot completely focused on what you need to be doing without feeling tense or uncomfortable. Just imagine playing shot after shot without forcing, without any thoughts of what you MUST do to hit the ball CORRECTLY!

This Relaxed Concentration Programming CD gives you ONE amazingly simple mental exercise, that with practice will let you go into a relaxed and concentrated state (just what you want for every golf shot) upon saying 5 simple words and giving yourself a special secret physical touch.

Just imagine the possibilities of including this amazing mental technique with the other 7 mental secrets of The Consistent Golf System. 

But that’s not all, because when you  get The Consistent Golf System right now you’ll get the following ELEVEN bonuses that you can go through (in your spare time) to help you improve every aspect of your game….

Free Bonus #1 – Break 80 Without Practice – 4 CD Set 

When you get The Consistent Golf System now you also get the famous Break 80 Without Practice 4 CD set by Craig Sigl that teaches you how to improve your golf game without practice. Thousands of golfers from all around the world have purchased this and improved their golf games…without practicing. It’s a perfect complement to The Consistent Golf System. Here’s what a few golfers said about this course:

Took 8-10 Shots Off His Game...

S. Middleton NY, U.S.A.

“Last year my game became so bad (shooting consistently over 100) that I seriously considered giving up the game for good. Since I’ve been exposed to Craig’s Break 80 Without Practice program, I am lowering my score week by week. I’m currently shooting in the low 90’s and fully expect to knock another 8 to 10 strokes off my game this year. I most value the fact that the program allowed me to understand and appreciate that what was stopping me from lowering my score was not my ability or knowledge of how to play the game, but simply my own brain and how my thoughts get in the way.”

Dropped 8 Shots and Broke 80 in 20 Days...

G. Dalton Sacramento, U.S.A.

“Craig, just a note to tell you that after getting and listening to your 4cd break80 program I started putting in my mind the thought that I can break not only 80 but 70. While I haven’t been at it a full 20 plus days to ingrain the thought, I played my first round today since getting your cd and dropped my score by 8 strokes to 79! Thanks. With your help and my mental attitude, I WILL BREAK 70! “I like the program and I have recommended it to several of my friends. Even the cheap ones who squeeze a nickle so tight they get 4 cents change have listened to it and wanted to get a copy.”

Didn't Break 80 But 70!

J. Job Houston, U.S.A.

“Craig, I replied to an email the other day to tell you that not ONLY did I break 80 after listening to your tapes for a week – I broke 70!! I shot a 66 on Friday, the 25th! It was an “out-of-body” experience! Absolutely fabulous! Everyone is pretty amazed by my 66 – including myself! …when Friday happened, I felt I had to give credit to your tapes. It was just too amazing for words!!I’m a member at Champions Golf Club in Houston, Tx and my handicap is 8.”

Free Bonus #2How To Hit Every Club In Your Bag At Least 10 Yards Longer Programming Audio

Just imagine what would happen to your game if you could hit every club in your bag at least 10 yards longer. For a start you’d be more confident! You could reach holes that may have been out of reach. You’d have shorter clubs into the greens. What a great feeling that would be!

Now, you are guaranteed to hit not only your drives but every shot 10 yards longer all by listening to this audio!

Free Bonus #3 – How To Improve Your Long Game Accuracy Programming Audio

Sick of playing army golf….left, right, left, right?! This audio will program your mind with the necessary belief system so that you will automatically and naturally hit your golf shots as straight as an arrow. All this without spending hours doing mind numbing practice!

Free Bonus #4 – How To Have A Short Game As Good As A Professional Programming Audio

We all know that if we improved our pitching and chipping we would knock a bunch of shots off our scores. This makes sense when you consider about 60-70% of golf is played from 100 yards in. But to practice all the different short pitch and chip shots would take hours each week, and even if you did this you are not guaranteed to improve.

Pitching and chipping are not about power, and this means anyone can have a short game as good as a pro. All it takes is confidence and touch.

You may be thinking that these two are hard to come by if you don’t do much practice. And most people, would agree with you, but this audio will help you put this myth to rest. Because when you get it you won’t have to practice for hours, you just have to listen to the audio to improve. What could be easier?

Free Bonus #5 – How To Become A Confident Bunker Player Programming Audio

Bunker shots should be the easiest shots in golf because they are the only shots were you don’t have to hit the ball! We all know this saying but for how many of us is this the reality? I would say the majority of golfers almost fear bunkers.

Why is this?

Is it because there’s some strange monsters hiding in the sand waiting to keep your ball in their forever? Of course not that’s stupid, it’s only sand!

I believe most golfers fear the sand because even before they have ever been in a bunker, they have heard how difficult they are. Then once they have tried to play out of one, most of the time unsuccessfully, that backs up what they already know, that BUNKERS ARE TO BE AVOIDED!

Then you hear of the pro’s who would rather be in a bunker than the rough! What’s the major difference between the pro who finds bunkers easy and the amateur that voids them at all costs?


If you can turn your attitude around from a fear of bunkers to rather being in a bunker than the rough, then you will have them licked. The only way to change your attitude in the easiest, no hassle way is to listen to this audio that will make bunkers fun and a score saving place to be, rather than the score wrecker!

Free Bonus #6 – How To Become A Confident Putter Programming Audio

We all remember the times when the hole looked as big as a bucket. And remember when you hit putts and knew they were going in the hole even before they got to the hole? Imagine feeling like this over every putt you faced.

Just think how many shots you waste simply by a lack of confidence on the greens. Don’t you get frustrated after almost every round, knowing how many shots you could have saved simply by being more confident on the greens?

Who wouldn’t be frustrated when they know they have the ability to hole putt after putt simply, yet most days the golf ball seems to pick up on your uncertainty and easily slip past the hole with monotonous regularity. Why do you have it so hard when it can be so easy?

This audio will make you feel like you did when you putted your best. Remember that feeling? You have done it more than once and now after listening to this audio you will be able to experience this confidence every time you play golf!

Free Bonus #7 – How To Read The Greens Like A Book Programming Audio

Most golfers underestimate how much a putt will break and this includes pro’s. That’s a proven fact! But this audio is going to help you to read greens just like you would a book.

Imagine how many shots you’re going to save when you do that. Reading greens is an entirely mental thing and this audio will program your mind to read greens quickly and easily. Because your mind knows the best line and speed for your ball to travel on to go in the hole. You just need to get out of your own way to let that happen and that’s what this audio will program you to do!

Free Bonus #8 – How To Stop Distractions Ruining Your Golf Game Training Audio

Do you fall apart when you have to wait for 15 minutes while the group in front of you mucks around? Your rhythm and flow is interrupted and you lose the plot.

Or what about when you hit a great drive that ends up in a divot? Or what about when you lose a golf ball that was nowhere near trouble?

Hey, look, those things happen to all golfers. But the best golfers, the golfers that enjoy playing golf the most have the mental skills to deal with those situations and not let them negatively affect the rest of the round. That’s what this awesome audio programs you to do. It’s a score saver!

Free Bonus #9 – How To Stop And Eliminate Fear From Your Golf Game Training Audio

Are you afraid on the golf course in certain situations? Like when you’re faced with a delicate pitch over a bunker? Or when you’re on the tee and there’s out of bounds down one side and trouble on the other? Or what about when you’re faced with a tricky 3 footer to win the match?

As you know, golf is just a game but when you’re in those situations and feeling fear it’s not quite that easy is it?

That’s why this audio training session will be worth it’s wait in gold to you because you’ll actually program your mind NOT to be afraid. Just imagine how much more you’ll not only enjoy playing golf without fear but how many shots you’ll drop off your scores when you can swing freely without fear crippling your natural swing.

Free Bonus #10 – How To Bring Your Practice Game To The Golf Course Training Audio

Don’t you hate hitting it great on the driving range only to find on the golf course you can’t do a thing right? It’s obviously not a physical thing when this happens. That’s why if this is a problem for you then this audio training session is going to be a top priority for you to listen to. Because it will program your mind to take your golf game that you’ve proven you can do on the driving range to the golf course. Picture in your mind’s eye the shots you’ll slash from your scores when you do that.

Free Bonus #11 – How To Play In The Zone Training Video and Audio

In this video you’ll find out exactly what the zone is and how to get into the zone much, much more often.  Then you’ll get an audio that actually programs your mind with the information that was in the zone video so that you train yourself to get into a flow state that will lead to the zone much, much more often.

Warning: This Incredible Consistent Golf System Offer Is Only Available On This Page Right Now. It Can Not Be Purchased After Leaving This Page!

Why would I limit a program that has helped so many students succeed? Have I lost my mind?? (Not quite)…

You see, a big part of this program is that you get full, unlimited access to my inbox for 12 months. For an entire year, I’ll help you through any part of the program if you happen to get stuck, or feel like you need a “reboot.”

I limit the number of students by only offering it here and now because my passion is not to sell more, it’s to help the students that do buy have an immersive experience and truly succeed.

I want to deliver 10x the value that you paid for this…period. So take a look at the chart below, and see just how much valuable, elite golf instruction you’ll receive by adding this to your order today:

Yep…that’s right.

When you get The Consistent Golf System today (hard copy version) you’re only going to pay $497, which is 64% off what other students have paid for this exact program (and they didn’t even get all of the great bonuses I decided to throw in at the last minute)!

Or, You can opt for a “digital only” version of this elite golf instruction content, and pay only $97 (well over 85% off!).

Yes! I Want To Add The Consistent Golf System
(Digital Version) To My Order

You will only get this chance once to get The Consistent Golf System.  So click the "YES! ADD THIS TO MY ORDER" button below add everything you see on this page to your original order of The Stress-Free Golf Swing for just one payment of $97 ...

Only $97

And don’t forget…

All of this comes with direct access to me via email for an entire year (and I’ll respond personally within 48 hours during the week).You’re not just paying for a product, you’re paying for a result, and I’m personally vested in your success.


This Offer Is Only Available Here And Now... So Add This To Your Order Now

Now I would feel terrible if you declined this amazing one time only offer and couldn’t get access to my Consistent Golf System + the 11 bonuses, but this one time only offer is legit (I have to be fair to all students, after all).

I’ll tell you that regularly I get golfers that email me a few day's after getting The Stress-Free Golf Swing saying...

“Hey Jeff, where can I buy The Consistent Golf System?”

And I have to tell them sorry…you’re out of luck. It’s too late because this is a ONE-TIME ONLY DEAL.

Don’t be that guy or girl.

Secure The Consistent Golf System below today, and be on your way to learning how to repeat your best golf shots more often, hit more fairways and greens, and destroy your lowest round ever in the process.

Oh and Did I Mention this Offer is Backed with a 100% “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee?

Because I’ve worked with thousands of students (including several hundred that have gone through this exact program), I know what results can be achieved, if you follow the plan.

That being said, I want you to be 100% confident and comfortable with your purchase today, which is why I’m offering you The Consistent Golf System risk-free guarantee.

If for any reason you aren’t 100% satisfied with The Consistent Golf System, simply request a refund within 60 days of your purchase, and I’ll refund every penny within 24 hours…no hassles, no questions asked.

Think back to that last perfect golf shot you hit…

Maybe it was a pure 9 iron that landed six feet from the pin and stopped…

Or maybe it was that drive you hit right on the screws that flew perfectly with a baby draw…long, straight, and right down the middle.

Those are the shots that “keep you coming back” as they say.

What if you could hit your best shots more frequently?

What if instead of hitting just a couple of shots like that per round, you hit one on every hole?

Wouldn’t that make the game much more enjoyable?

To be honest (and I’m not overstating this), it would make you a happier person and change your life.

So what’s it going to be?

Are you going to keep giving your time and money to golf magazines, Youtube advertisers, etc. who quite frankly don’t give a damn whether you improve or not?

Or do you want to invest in a proven program with dozens of student testimonials that also comes with 12 months of personal, 1-on-1 email support?

I think you know the answer…

You’re One Step Away From Hitting Your Best Shots More Often, and Finding the Consistency You’ve Always Wanted…So Act Now

Yes! I Want To Add The Consistent Golf System
(Digital Version) To My Order

You will only get this chance once to get The Consistent Golf System.  So click the "YES! ADD THIS TO MY ORDER" button below add everything you see on this page to your original order of The Stress-Free Golf Swing for just one payment of $97 ...

Only $97

You’ve read this far, and you probably already know this is the system for you…but maybe you’re still a little on the fence…I get it.

At this point, you have 2 options:

1: Leave this page, and keep fighting the inconsistency that is driving you mad on the course

2: Scroll down and click the button to add this to  your order and get started with my Consistent Golf System along with The Stress-Free Golf Swing

Remember…I’ve had students pay $1,370 for this material, and that didn’t even include all of the bonuses.

Today, I’m offering you the same elite level of instruction (including 12 months of email support), for just $497 (or $97 if you opt for the “digital only” version).

And there is literally no risk.

If anytime within the first 60 days you think “Nope, this isn’t for me” then just send me an email, and I’ll refund all of your money within 24 hours. In fact, if you’re not satisfied with your purchase I sincerely hope you ask for a refund, because I only want someone’s money if they feel I’m delivering exceptional value in return.

Remember, the offer expires as soon as you leave this page, so don’t wait, grab The Consistent Golf Program today, because you have nothing to lose, and your purchase is backed by a 100% money back guarantee!

I look forward to helping you become a more consistent golfer by practicing less, sharpening your mental approach, and coaching you on the right things.

To a more consistent golf game,

Jeff Richmond
Creator of the…
Consistent Golf System

P.S. By getting The Consistent Golf System now you are saving $1273 (digital version) as well as receiving free bonuses worth $427. But before you can become one of the privileged few to find out the secrets of repeating what you did to hit your greatest ever golf shots you must click the Add To order button below.  Because you will not get the system unless you do so.

Upgrade Agreement for the
Consistent Golf System

Yes! I hereby agree to use the information provided in The Consistent Golf System in my own golf game and to share this system and what I’m doing only with members of my immediate family.

I understand that everything in The Consistent Golf System is protected by copyright, so that reproduction or distribution in any form is prohibited by law. Further, I understand that this system is giving me access to information and knowledge which I will not receive from any other golf source, and this is to be treated in the strictest of confidence.

I also understand that by securing a copy of The Consistent Golf System now, I will finally learn how to consistently repeat what I did to hit my great golf shots, giving me the consistency I’ve always wanted without having to do the hours of practice I thought I needed to do to get it. Plus, because I’m responding right now I understand that I will be saving $1273 (on the digital version) and receiving the following free bonuses worth $427: 

  • Break 80 Without Practice – 4 CD Set (digital download)
  • Hit Every Club In Your Bag At Least 10 Yards Longer Programming Audio (digital download)
  • Improve Your Long Game Accuracy Programming Audio (digital download)
  • Have A Short Game As Good As A Pro Programming Audio (digital download)
  • Become A Confident Bunker Player Programming Audio (digital download)
  • Become A Confident Putter Programming Audio (digital download)
  • Read The Greens Like A Book Programming Audio (digital download)
  • Stop Distractions Ruining Your Golf Game Training Audio (digital download)
  • Stop And Eliminate Fear From Your Golf Game Training Audio (digital download)
  • Bring Your Practice Game To The Golf Course Training Audio (digital download)
  • How To Play In The Zone Video + Audio (digital download)

I also understand that my order is absolutely risk-free. If I find that The Consistent Golf System is not the best golf improvement investment I’ve ever made I can return it for a no hassles, no questions asked, 100% refund (less shipping and handling) and keep all the free bonuses worth $770! On that basis, I am ready to order from either of the two options below:

The Physical Version

Secure Yourself The Consistent Golf System For Just $497 USD (plus $57 shipping & handling) Saving You $873. The system will be sent to you within 5 days of your order and the free digital bonuses will be emailed to you within 24 hours of your order.

Orders for the physical version are handled by our trusted and secure merchant supplier: and come with a 60 day money back guarantee from the date of order.

The Digital Version

Secure Yourself The Consistent Golf System For Just $97 USD Saving You $1273!  After successfully completing your order you will receive instant access to everything straight away so you can start to learn how to repeat your great golf shots like a well oiled machine.

Orders for the digital version are handled by our trusted and secure merchant supplier: and comes with a 60 day money back guarantee from the date of order.

Only $97

Single Figure Handicapper Now!...

M. Arnold Florida, U.S.A.

“Before getting this system and implementing it I was a 15 handicapper. 4 months later I am a single figure handicapper now! My handicap is now 8. Not only that but 2 months ago I got my first ever hole in one after playing golf for 32 years. But the thing that so impressed me was Jeff’s support even after getting my money. He really does care. About a month into the plan I had a few questions that I fired off to Jeff and he sent me back a very detailed reply and then checked up on me to see how I was getting on. I have never experienced this type of support with any other golf product I have purchased and I have purchased a lot! This golf system makes golf so much easier and more fun. I will keep using it for the rest of my golfing life. I can’t thank you enough Jeff.”

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